Dr. Alexey Lyulin and Dr. Björn Baumeier celebrate new collaboration with the Netherlands eScience Center
Dr. Alexey Lyulin and Dr. B Björn Baumeier have received a grant with a value of 212500 Euro for their proposal in a recent project call by the Netherlands eScience Center, entitled: “Multiscale simulations of excitation dynamics in molecular materials for sustainable energy applications (MULTIXMAS)”. This grant results in a close collaboration between both TU/e researchers and the eScience Center, the Dutch national center of excellence for the development and application of research software.
The start of the collaboration was celebrated during an inspiring brainstorming event on 12 February at the Netherlands eScience Center in Amsterdam. During this day, several new collaborators of the eScience Center pitched their projects. Subsequently, the challenges and opportunities of the new collaborations were discussed in smaller groups together with eScience Research Engineers from the eScience Center.
The aim of the collaboration is to advance the design of molecular materials for sustainable energy applications by means of research software that has a broader applicability and value for academic researchers – possibly in different disciplines.